Our Path of Discipleship

One of the joys of living our Catholic Faith is sharing it in a supportive parish atmosphere. Our Community and Fellowship Ministries at the Newman Center foster a growing Catholic community among students and challenge us to grow as irons sharpens iron.

Opportunities: Welcome Week; Pi Alpha Chi (Catholic Sorority);
Phi Kappa Theta (Catholic Fraternity); Newman Games; Community Nights; Formals; Theology on Tap;

Intramural Sports; Coffee Houses;
  FOCUS Discipleship; multiple choirs; tailgates

As a Catholic parish, the celebration of the sacraments is central to our mission, with the Eucharist as the source and summit of our lives.  Experiences in prayer, scripture, and spiritual accompaniment help to foster a deeper encounter with the Living God.  We seek to provide multiple opportunities throughout the year for students to meet Jesus and live fully for Him.

Opportunities: 3 Sunday Masses; 2 Daily Masses; 10 hours of Confession per week; 60 hours of Adoration per week; Spiritual Direction & Accompaniment; 4+ retreat options;
OCIA (for seekers & those desiring to become Catholic)
An unknown faith cannot be lived, therefore we aim to cultivate both a personal relationship with and an intellectual understanding of Jesus Christ & His Church. Learning how to present the Gospel to others is also an integral part of our formation.

Opportunities: 50+ Weekly FOCUS Bible Studies; 2 for-credit classes from the Newman Institute; 
4 non-credit classes to dive deeper into the Faith; 
 Counseling Partnerships; Chastity Groups for Men & Women

We address an integral component of growth in charity by helping students to live the Beatitudes. Because individual interests and charisms vary, students have a variety of opportunities to be of service to the elderly, vulnerable, unborn and impoverished within our own community, across the country and around the world, as well as walking with other students in discipleship.

Opportunities: Pro-Life Work; Mission Trips (Domestic & International); Volunteer Opportunities in the Community; Knights of Columbus; Altar Society; Street Teams; FOCUS 
Our mission is to forge college students into saints, fully alive in Christ. As our students near the end of college, we  to provide opportunities for all of the formation they have received to be sealed in their hearts as they launch into their vocations

Opportunities: Silent retreat; Discernment Opportunities with Religious Communities and Seminaries; Marriage Preparation; Charism Discernment; Beauty Initiative

Mass & Confession Times

**Since we are a university Parish, Our Mass Times change over breaks.
Be sure to check the special break schedules!**

Monday-Thursday: 9AM-9PM
Friday: 9AM-5:20PM
Monday-Thursday: 5:30PM & 9:10PM
Friday: Noon & 5:30PM
Saturday: 9AM
Sunday: 10AM, 12PM & 9:10PM
4:30-5:20PM & 8-9PM
Friday: 4:30-5:20PM
Sunday: 8-9PM

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