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Third Sunday in Lent
The real power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that is sets us free. It liberates us from what binds us if we let it penetrate our hearts and lives.
Who is God? "I AM." God is being itself. So often, our image of God is too small, and we miss Him or think He’s distant.
It is often in moments of suffering that is easiest to believe that God is small. Yet these moments can be the moments when God pours out His love in ways He can’t at other times. Suffering God's megaphone to awaken a deaf world.
God calls us to conversion, to see Him in everything. Yet, He is so patient and so merciful with us. But there will be a day of judgment when our time runs out—not to scare us, but to wake us up so we cling to God more.
The Gospel is real, and God wants to set us free. What do you want to be set free from this Lent?