Eighth Sunday in Ordinary TIme

Mar 2, 2025    Fr. Ryan Kaup

We should not be frustrated that people are at different places in their journeys. 

There are people ahead of us. This is a good thing because we can learn from and chase after them. While we often resist feeling separated from others, this is where transformation happens through mercy. There are also people who we encounter who hurt and annoy us; who live in sin that frustrates us.

When we encounter someone whose sin bothers us, we tend to focus on their faults, thinking that if they change, things would improve. However, Jesus invites us to look inward first. Instead of just pointing out their sin, we should reflect on where we have similar struggles in our own lives, invite God's mercy and forgiveness, and allow His love to transform us. This shift helps us approach others not with the goal of fixing them, but out of love.

If we can do that, the moment is filled with love and we are transformed.