First Sunday in Lent

Mar 9, 2025    Fr. Alec Sasse

The desert is a place of real exile, isolation and separation. Yet, it is the very place Jesus goes into at the beginning of His public ministry.

In the Scriptures, God transforms this place of loneliness and isolation to a place of deep and real intimacy.

Time and time again, God met His people in the desert in the Scriptures and transformed places of real exile to places of unbelievable intimacy with Him.

In entering into the desert, Jesus is entering into our own exile. We all have moments of real exile, where our relationship with Jesus changed indefinitely. These are the moments that Jesus so longingly wants to meet us and bring us back to Himself.

Ask the Lord if there is a place of exile that He wants to talk about. Create space to talk about it and ask Him what He wants to do with it.