10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jun 9, 2024    Fr. Ryan Kaup

"I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself."

Damaged by the Fall, Adam hid from God.

In a broken world, we tend to hide. Vulnerability is difficult. Self-protection and dependence creep in. We struggle to go before God and show Him everything. The unity that was once so natural between God and man seems unattainable. However, the Father does not want His children hiding from Him.

Jesus offers us transformation, renewal and restoration to the unity that was ours before the Fall, and if we go deep enough into our hearts, they cry out in longing for this unity.

Where is the Lord inviting you to go be alone with Him? In what area is He inviting you to stop hiding? How is He inviting you back into a communal love with Him?